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Benjamin Antieau, Spherical Witt vectors and integral models for spaces , arxiv:2308.07288.
Bhargav Bhatt, Manuel Blickle, Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag K. Singh, Wenliang Zhang, Applications of perverse sheaves in commutative algebra , arxiv:2308.03155.
Bhargav Bhatt, Manuel Blickle, Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag K. Singh, Wenliang Zhang, Frobenius on the cohomology of thickenings , arxiv:2307.03745.
Benjamin Antieau, Achim Krause, Thomas Nikolaus, On the K -theory of Z / p n, arxiv: 2405.04329.
Pierre Colmez, Exercices adéliques , arxiv: 2403.16231.
Bhargav Bhatt, Linquan Ma, Zsolt Patakfalvi, Karl Schwede, Kevin Tucker, Joe Waldron, Jakub Witaszek, Test ideals in mixed characteristic: a unified theory up to perturbation arXiv:2401.00615.
Veronika Ertl, Sally Gilles, Wiesława Nizioł, On the v -Picard group of Stein spaces , arxiv: 2312.14649.
Pierre Colmez, Prolongement analytique de fonctions ζ et de fonctions L, arxiv: 2311.15905
Pierre Colmez, Shanwen Wang, Fonctions d'une variable p -adique et représentations de G L 2 ( Q p ), arxiv: 2311.15457.
Benjamin Antieau, Achim Krause, Thomas Nikolaus, Prismatic cohomology relative to δ -rings , arxiv:2310.12770.
Bhargav Bhatt, Crystals and Chern classes , arXiv:2310.00676.
Pierre Colmez, Sally Gilles, Wiesława Nizioł, Arithmetic duality for p -adic pro-étale cohomology of analytic curves , arxiv:2308.07712.
Benjamin Antieau, Noah Riggenbach, Cyclotomic synthetic spectra , arxiv:2411.19929.
Benjamin Antieau, Spectral sequences, décalage, and the Beilinson t-structure , arxiv:2411.09115.
Bhargav Bhatt on Cohomology and Collaboration . Interview in Simons Foundation Four Minutes With series.
Dustin Clausen, Efimov K-theory, Lecture 1 , Lecture 2 , Lecture 3 . IHES Summer School – Recent Advances in Algebraic K-Theory.
Peter Scholze, Emmy Noether lectures at the Institute for Advanced Study, Real local Langlands as geometric Langlands on the twistor $\mathbf{P}^1$, Lecture 1 , Lecture 2 , Lecture 3 .
Dustin Clausen and Peter Scholze, Analytic stacks, Lecture Series.